*GHGR 015315 → Hopalong Horus Heisenberg - Limitless Spatial Dimensions
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+ Facebook fanpage+ Soundcloud
+ Album collaboration with Bloody Blue →
*GHGR 015415 → Slow-Blood - 00SP59
listen / download
Slow-Blood are a Slo-Blo & Bloody Blue side project.
They are between ambient and noise atmos, strictly hardware improve or field recording
produced and mount on computer after some sessions.
+ slow-blood-spoiler-ghgr-014015
+ tafe-10-oscilloscore-slow-blood (on Tape Safe).
*GHGR 016115 → HS_Hell_O_Win (NEW)
listen / download
VIDEO Hell_O_Win →
HS .?!
Hiérarchie Sucks .?! Definitely
An ambient MIDI to Hardware showman modulator,
Last out on GodHatesGodRecords with:
auto generated MIDI modulation rec as like Love.
an eclectronic minimal dark act as like Hell.
Soon on FRACTION STUDIO France with:
a strictly hardware field recording without speed limit and other bullshit as like real
Daft_Fraction TZR on facebook → video teaser
Don't forget to follow the Netlabels out ! Real Thanks......
*GHGR 015915 → HeAD - Bicolor (NEW)
listen / download
"2 tracks EP very rich of different solutions from concrete music to electronic rhythmic ambient. Recommended" (Raffaele Pezzella aka Sonologyst).
VIDEO OX (first album) HeAD - OX 2014
Collection Anti f:Orm
*GHGR 015715 → Christopher Alavarado/Sylphides - Elephant Exchange
listen / download
Collaboration between Sylphides and Christopher Alvarado (Twilight Transmissions)
+ twilight-transmissions-broken-head
+ twilight-transmissions-temple-of-abandonment (on kalpamantra netlabel )
+ Sylphides
*Soon → Compilation collection Anti f:Orm volume 1
![]() |
With some names → nobodisoundz, Sonologyst, Metek, Slo-Blo, Dramavinile, HeAD, HS, Eric in the Kitchen, Nikodeck, Abott, Niels Mori, Sylphides, Mnomized, He_lium, Ullapul, Nos Project, Mauro Sambo, Exomene, Kaneda aka Tetsuoka.. and more.....VIDEO TEASER → Anti f:Orm vol 1 teaserVolume Two will follow during the year 2016. |
A live series
*GHGR 016015 → Objective tinnitus - Part 01 (NEW)
listen / download
Part 1 of 6 coming on GHGR.............
Recorded at IRL (Paris) le 2014 – 01 – 18
Objective Tinnitus is a collection of live recordings of Exomène's performances. Exomène is more a soundsmith that a musician, which means he works sound as a raw material carving it to create a soundscape.
With a mere drum machine and effects, Exomène generates hypnotic and psychedelic journeys in an experimental industrial style. Each Objective Tinnitus part is one of these journeys.
On stage, Exomène's sounds are often enhanced by the live visuals, acting and dancing of his fellow members of L:ED.
+ album/exomene-the-life-and-death-of-an-unnoticed-shadow-ghgr-011014
→ L:ED
Links GHGR
→ bandcamp first serie
→ bandcamp seconds series
→ site official
→ videos-vimeo-godhatesgodrecords
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